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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Wyoming TEAM

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brother Sefi is reading his bible and Deacon Blosser is playing with his iPhone ........... what's wrong with THIS picture ???   just kidding .................... Jason was day-dreaming about donuts  :-)

Looks like he's about to cry .............

Final Night

Three light bulbs, plastic chairs, dirt floor  --  Matt preached, I translated and then we service in la Iglesia Cristiana Bautista Monte de las Bienadventuranzas  :-(

Portable Church

PORTABLE CHURCH  -  thse seats are used at a least 2 mission points that I know of.

No family life center, no Christmas program, no Committee on Committees, no kitchen, no GMCs, no youth building program or Falls Creek ...........................................just lots of visitation and loving the community in their own context, but mostly just Jesus = Beautiful   :-)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back at ICB Monte de las Bienaventuranzas

We brought out our 2 bags of clothing that we colleected at WRBC to give to the
folks at the church.......... there was 'much rejoicing' ......................well, actually it was more like a riot :-)   The lights in the background are the ciy of Zihua......... we're elevated !


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, MX

Ron, Ann and Alfaro went up to visit the churches in Lazaro Cardenas for a few nights and participate in  a small conference there.  These are some of Ronnie's pics..... the first one is a steel smelter there near the port.  They ship in iron ore from South Korea and process it right there.........  they make most of it into rebar
OK, so Ronnie wanted me to  be sure and include a pic of one of his favorite entrees in Mexico - Alambre.  We both discovered this tasty and unhealthy treat on a trip to Tlapa.  Cheese, greasy meat, chilis, more cheese, etc etc ....... you get the picture
Alfaro always draws a big crowd in Mexico !

Clothing Distribution Day

We distribute all the clothes we brought today to all the churches.  There was a mountain.

Shari's Pics....